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Support for family after suicide attempt

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Support for family after suicide attempt


Support for family after suicide attempt

Can I please ask for any advice you may have to support family (particularly siblings) after a teenager attempts suicide? She will (hopefully) receive enough help but what about the family trying to come to terms with it. Tricky question I know sorry

Frequent scribe

Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

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Hey there @LovingThruBlue, having to come to terms with a loved one experiencing suicidal thoughts/urges is never easy. Thankfully, there is a lot of support out there in our community - I would recommend the Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800/ or Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467/ if they are up to talking about the issues, and for information there is a wealth of it on their websites. They will able to talk through each family member getting support that is face to face and ongoing if it's needed and are generally pretty good at this. Hope this is helpful!


Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

thank you @Sally-RO I'll check that out
Super star contributor

Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

Oh no @LovingThruBlue, I'm so sorry to hear your family is going through this. My heart goes out to you all. 


My daughter sees our local CYMHS team and I'm also able to see them on my own if need be, as they support not only my daughter, but our little family as a whole. I'm wondering if that could be another option for you as well? 


And for you - remember we're always here to listen and offer support Heart


Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

Thanks @taokat. Yep, my daughter is also under the care of what is CAMHS here. Unfortunately her case worker is away this week (another lovely worker is looking out for us) but when she gets back I'll definitely ask her to see the rest of the family. Thanks for your support xo


Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

@LovingThruBlue I wanted to check in to find out how things are going - are you ok?


Re: Support for family after suicide attempt

@LovingThruBlue how are things going - I just saw this post and Im so sorry you guys are having such a tough time of it